Automate and Scale Cloud Cost Governance

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Optimize Costs. Drive Behaviour Change. 

Insights and proactive guardrails for cloud cost optimization

Stacklet Platform, based on Cloud Custodian open source project, is a Governance as Code solution that provides insights and proactive guardrails for cloud cost optimization. Using Stacklet Platform's easy-to-use, declarative language, FinOps and cloud engineering teams can codify, automate, and collaborate on cost policies. If policy violations occur, the platform enables real-time detection and visualization. Unlike other tools, Stacklet Platform can also automatically trigger a remediation workflow and notify development teams in the channel of their choice, including Slack and Jira.

Identity Cost Optimization Opportunities 

Real-time, comprehensive cloud asset database

Gain a comprehensive, contextualized, and accurate picture of all your cloud resources and configuration across multiple platforms. Leverage real-time cloud asset management enriched with governance analytics that allows you to identify, track quickly, and report on cost optimization opportunities. Stacklet’s cloud asset database can also be used as a high-fidelity data source for your dashboarding and reporting tools.


FinOps numbers
FinOps numbers

Enable Proactive Cost Controls  

Automated governance and guardrails 

Codify and automate cloud cost governance and align with the application development cycle using a simple, standard language that engineering and FinOps teams can understand. You can also implement advanced workflows with sophisticated business logic into your remediation and notification playbooks via the same policies. 


Cost optimization chart
Cost optimization chart

Drive Engineer Engagement and Encourage Action 

Developer-centric workflows and communications 

Establish rapid, frictionless cloud cost governance by encapsulating policy management from development teams and automating enforcement in terms of detection, notification, and remediation. The platform integrates existing workflows and collaboration tools that your development teams use, such as Slack and Jira. Plus, the communications generated can include details on maintaining a clean and cost-efficient environment.


Notifications (5)
Notifications (5)

Stacklet Platform Benefits For FinOps Teams

Control costs

by automatically identifying and right-sizing
underutilized resources and de-provisioning unused resources.

Foster behavior change

among development teams by delivering useful notifications and automating remediation.

Reduce operational overhead

associated with policy implementation, manual workflows, and inconsistent cloud

Case Study

Avalara Unlocks Cloud Savings With Stacklet

Avalara, a leader in tax automation software, optimizes cost, operational efficiency, and collaboration—realizing an ROI of over 500%.

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Case Study
Case Study

Comic Book 

Cloud Town Goes Bust! 

Take a journey with Jun0 and the FinOps team as solve Cloud Town's problem. Along the way, you will learn how Stacklet can help your FinOps team control usage, optimize costs and drive behavior changes 

Review Comic Book

FinOps Comic
FinOps Comic

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